Online shopping has transformed the way we acquire goods, from groceries to home decor to medical supplies. Most of us prefer to shop online, as it saves us time searching through store aisles and allows us to browse product reviews before we buy. Selling items online has also grown in popularity, offering a safe no-contact way to free up storage and get some extra money in your pocket.
While you may sell clothes that you no longer wear through online vendors like Depop, what can you do with your leftover diabetic test strips? The market for unused diabetic supplies has shifted onto the web, making getting quick cash more simple than ever before. With 1 in 10 Americans having Diabetes, many patients struggle to find affordable testing supplies required to regulate their glucose levels on a daily basis. If you’ve had to switch brands, no longer test as often, or your diagnosis has changed, you can still put your test strips to good use (and recoup some of your investment)—it’s a win-win!
When it comes to selling anything online, knowing who you can trust can be tricky. Finding a reputable buyer ensures that you get paid in a timely manner and that your privacy remains intact. So, what makes diabetic test strip buyers trustworthy? The Cash for Diabetics team has broken down what to look for and avoid in your search for the best place for selling diabetic test strips.
Red flags in diabetic test strip buyers
Ethics play an important role in diabetic test strip buyers’ success. From not being direct about their pricing to inflicting potential harm to new users, here’s a look at signs that you should not sell your supplies to a prospective online company.
They purchase government-funded, used, or expired products
No diabetic test strip buyers can legally purchase diabetic supplies that were acquired through government financial aid such as Medicaid or Medicare. Companies and individuals can not profit off of items that were purchased by the U.S. government. However, it is 100% legal to sell your test strips if they were not provided through these organizations (as indicated on a bright orange label on the box).
Selling unused supplies is safe and legal, as they can be purchased over-the-counter. A reliable company will also ensure that your test strips’ seals are fully intact to guarantee the future user’s safety. Most strips expire within 180 days after being opened, and the FDA says that using expired testing kits can result in false readings as their accuracy declines with time.
Unclear pricing guidelines
Diabetic test strip buyers are responsible for ensuring that your items follow the legal and safety guidelines as stated above. This requires an in-depth inspection process, which can potentially leave room for individual discretion.
In order to avoid being misled about your eligibility and how much you’ll be paid, the company should provide detailed information about their process and factors that determine your payout.
You have to pay for shipping
When it comes time for you to ship your items to diabetic test strip buyers, you should never have to pay them before they pay you. A legitimate company will offer a free kit, including a box with a prepaid shipping label for you to send your items to their warehouse.
Their website isn’t user-friendly
You’ll likely begin your search by looking up “diabetic test strip buyers”, resulting in a list of Google recommendations for online companies. Once you click onto their website, take note of how it’s laid out. If there isn’t information about the company (such as an about us page or video introduction), they’re not off to a good start.
They should make it simple to navigate to where you need to go, whether you’re looking to learn more, view pricing guidelines, check your eligibility, or get started.
Green flags in diabetic test strip buyers
Now that we’ve covered all our bases for what to avoid, what should you look for in a buyer? We recommend using this guide as a checklist before providing any personal information or getting started on selling your test strips.
Their inspection process is clear
The first question on your mind is likely, “How much can I sell diabetic test strips for?”. The answer should be laid out clearly and concisely in a diabetic test strip buyers’ pricing guidelines, depending on your brand and number of tests.
On this page, they should also explain what determines a full payout. At Cash for Diabetics, you can receive 100% of our offer if your items are in mint condition and at least 10 months from expiring. If your items are cosmetically damaged and or have 3 to 9 months remaining before their expiration date, we can offer a 50% payout. To maintain our quality standard, we can not accept items with severe damage (including broken seals) or with less than 3 months left from their expiration.
You get access to quality customer services
Experienced diabetic test strip buyers understand that selling your medical supplies online for the first time can be intimidating, so they’ll offer exceptional customer service to take any guesswork out of the equation. You should always be able to contact or online chat their agents with any questions you may have.
After you’ve sold your items, you may receive a brief questionnaire to ask you about your experience. The Cash for Diabetics team is always looking to improve, and we value your feedback!
They have helpful online tools
The best diabetic test strip buyers will have hassle-free online tools to guide you along the process. These should be easy to find on their website; for example, you can find our instant buy-back tool in the upper right-hand corner (a green button with the $ symbol). Once you’ve entered this page, we’ll ask you if you’ve ever sold to us before and what you’re looking to sell. Next, we’ll have you tell us about your product and provide an image and details about the brand, type, condition, and expiration.
Once you’ve uploaded this information (and checked the box to confirm that your items were not provided by Medicare or Medicaid), we’ll direct you to our free-kit form! Simply provide your address and we’ll ship a box to your doorstep. You can also choose to set up scheduled kit shipments to make selling on a regular basis even easier, but there’s never any pressure.
You have access to their experience and reviews
Social proof plays a big role in any form of decision, but especially when it comes to finding reliable diabetic test strip buyers. Before you commit to any company, we recommend learning about their experience to ensure your safety.
More than half of online shoppers read multiple reviews before making a commitment, and we’re all for it! Finding potential buyers’ reviews should be simple, as we even highlight some on our website. Remember to look beyond their star rating, keeping an eye out for positive notes about transparency, privacy, and ease.
C4D takes your security seriously. Whenever you send your diabetic supplies to us, rest assured that we’ll carefully remove any labels that contain your personal information. While we don’t recommend attempting to remove these yourself before sending us your items, which can damage the packaging and reduce your payout, feel free to use a magic marker over this label if you choose. We only offer payments through mailed checks, and it’s not just out of traditional habit. We’re dedicated to maintaining your account’s privacy online, so we avoid online payments. We promise to write your check as soon as we inspect your items, and we’ll ship it right back to your home.
Sell your spare diabetic supplies with no strings attached at Cash for Diabetics!
As the leading diabetic test strip buyers, Cash for Diabetics has perfected a clear and simple selling process. We’re committed to ensuring an unmatched experience from your first click on our website, offering helpful online resources and exceptional customer service every step of the way!
To kick start the process, you can use our instant buy-back tool to confirm your products’ eligibility and how much we’ll be able to pay you. After completing this walkthrough, we’ll ship your free kit right to your door. Simply load up your items (cushioning them with tissue or newspaper) and return the box to us—don’t worry, shipping is 100% on us! We’ll inspect your items once they arrive, using the same qualifications we’ve provided to you, and write your check that same day. You’ll receive your payment in the mail within the next 2 to 8 business days. Feel free to take this singular easy payday or set up auto shipments with us to maintain your cash flow!
Have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us at any point or stop by our online FAQs for more information. You can find details about checking your eligibility to sell diabetic supplies and much more on our blog. Putting cash in your pocket has never been easier!